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Dr. Robert Maldron - The Continuum Breach (Part 2) (Creatures from the Continuum), Dr. Robert Maldron - The Continuum Breach (Creatures from the Continuum) & Robert Maldron: Night of the Werewolves (Creatures from the Continuum)【電子書籍】





<p>Robert Maldron: Night of the Werewolves (Creatures from the Continuum) - A virus invades the plane of existence of higher evolved creatures known as the Continuum, which affects the quality of the bodily fluids that they produce and consume from each other to survive. The virus also makes them sterile, unable to reproduce offspring to maintain quality reserves of fluid. These creatures aim to reach a state of spiritual perfection without physical form eventually like so many of the other Continuum members, but for now they must find a way to survive.<br /> The Council of the Continuum devise an experiment where the spirits of the last remaining unborn infants are placed inside physical bodies and born on a parallel plane of existence, isolated from the virus. The experiment requires that the new born evolve and return over a finite life span, during which valuable body fluids will be harvested by the Continuum and its members during rest periods for their nourishment and continued existence. The experiment participants only become aware of their true origins when their physical life ends and they return to the Continuum plane. The plane on which they are to live out these lives is designated Project Earth, the unborn offspring given the generic name, human and the body fluid that is so important to the Continuum members is given the name blood. Earth's history over the millennia is littered with the legends of strange sightings of and battles with non-humans from the creatures of Greek myth to the werewolf and vampire of literary acclaim. One such creature, a vampire by human description, is Max Von Konstein, Continuum Project Earth director designate. It's Von Konstein's role on earth to find an antidote for the virus , steer human kind where possible without interfering directly and stop unauthorised access to earth by Continuum inhabitants.<br /> Dr. Robert Maldron - The Continuum Breach (Creatures from the Continuum) - The boundaries that define the planes of existence between the earth and Continuum have collided causing a breach, as humans continue to meddle with the earth's natural environment. This breach has created another doorway through which creatures of the Continuum plane can pass through. Though not as large as the breach that allowed dinosaurs to visit the earth plane millennia ago, it has enabled some of the most formidable creatures that have defined earth's myths and legend from past visitations to slip through once again.</p> <p>With some Continuum species unable to conceive and maintain the means by which they survive due to a mystery virus - taking limited blood from their siblings ? an experiment called Project Earth, was set up by the Continuum council in isolation from the virus with continuum species born in human form. The objective, to create a ready made source of quality blood that could be harvested in a controlled way for continuum members during periods of human sleep. The experiment has taken thousands of earth years to develop and was working toward its objectives until early in the 20th century when human kind became preoccupied with drugs and alcohol and then came the modern day blood disorders and diseases.</p> <p>This has meant that the quality of blood harvested has been poor and some Continuum species have continued to perish. These creatures have become disillusioned with Project Earth and the Continuum Council's inability to deliver the experiment's objective seeking to take matters into their own hands by visiting the earth at every opportunity to take what they need by force. The Continuum council has prevented this by restricting access to the earth plane, but occasionally the actions of human kind have provided random events that have led to the two planes merging unexpectedly, leading to a doorway for unauthorised access. The Director, Max Von Konstein, calls upon one of his partial human converts on earth, Dr. Robert Maldron, to help him.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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